Once More With Feeling: Goals for 2009

by Jan Geronimo on December 26, 2008

Goals that are not written down are just wishes. – Anonymous

Very well then. I have to set these down then, my goals for 2009.

Personal Goal
. Giving up the smoking habit. I have set it out in my initial post in this blog, but I kept postponing the day of final deliverance. I confess I have yet to position myself on the starting block and make a go at it.

Every day, I first check out the comment section on this blog. Primarily because I positively cringe at the prospect of a reader checking my progress on my earlier vow. I hate that I can’t brag that I have started already. Can’t even put to to paper the suffering I have to go through on account of kicking the habit. Bad, bad.

It’s no relief that this blog has stayed under the radar of friends and well-meaning readers. When they do eventually come around and ask I have to be honest. My credibility as a person and as a blog author rests on this.

It’s not enough to write it on stone. In this day and age you have to write it down on a blog for good measure.

I’d occasionally post here my progress if you don’t mind. And if you feel like checking up on me, feel free to do so. I’d appreciate it.

Goal For This Blog . In my earlier post, 8 Internet Goals for 2009, I have cheekily enumerated what I set out to do for next year. That I guess was written in a moment of pique or derangement. At the time, I desperately needed company in this blog. And there were no visitors so I wrote that. The only valid goal was summarized in the 8th entry. So there.

Of course, I can delete it, but in retrospect, I elected it to stay as a stark reminder of my progress as a blogger.

I wish to add my dream of moving into a more decent house (shhh, this is just between you and me, okay). Where I can move as I please. Where there’s a big cupboard I can stack with to-die-for plug ins. Every time I check out my blog neighbors in wordpress ville, I hate having this feeling of inferiority as if I were a poor cousin. I know I’m not exactly living under the bridge, but I can’t help it.

It strains credulity if one blogs about personal growth while living on the pittance of the blogger platform.

I’m just saving money for the move.

In your case, what do you wish to achieve in 2009?

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  • Argentum Vulgaris
    Jan, thanks for visiting my blog. Goals, I'm old enough that each day is a success, with that you don't need goals. Smoking, that is an achievement, a relaxation and a satisfaction, I refuse to give it up again, I have stopped many times in my life, now I have stopped stopping. I see it as my reward for a job well done (surviving another day). I decided some time ago that I am here for a good time, not a long time.

  • James
    Hi Jan, landed here finally and so far so good. I am enjoying it. hehehe. Good thing you brought this up which reminds me of the following plans. A.. let's see, what do I have here?

    1. bring my wife here with me
    2. bring my small girls here later next year
    2. learn more skills to augment my day job
    3. what's this SEO about?
    4. improve blogging style, writing, grammar, etc
    5. jump to other company perhaps
    6. review and improve my java and c++ prg
    7. ERP certifications
    7. improve in photography
    8. get rid of my credit card debts.. die! die!
    9. achieve the drivers license course..
    10. stay in focus

    :D a handful eh!
  • Light
    Oh my... Giving up smoke habit? That would be tough.. but that's for the better. good luck then!

  • Lydia
    I'm glad to know that you are planning of giving up smoking. Hope you will be successful. I've known someone who stopped already for a month, but now starting to smoke one stick a day. Good luck to you. Cheers!
  • Bhing
    I am wishing you luck for your future plans for 2009.. I do have plans as well and I am crossing my fingers that they will all come true..

    Happy New Year to you and to your family.. :)
  • tonex
    Quitting smoking is not a piece of cake. I kept postponing it myself. I read somewhere that at the age of 30, your body starts to decline. About 4 months after my 30th birthday (I'm 33 now), I quit smoking and started hitting the gym.

    What made me quit successfully? The "your-body-starts-to-decline" thing and a dramatic plea from my wife (she said she and our future child would want to grow old with me around).

    I guess if you have the right motivation, you can quit smoking. By the way, I also chewed nicotine gum for about 2 months. I think it helped.
  • borzack
    I second your goal to 'breathe fresh air'. There are sayings It's harder to stop smoking addiction then to stop drugs addiction. If you put your heart in it 100% I believe you can. Good luck.
  • Jan
    @Argentum Vulgaris: Pretty well said. But I'm on the other side of the fence on this, my friend. I'm glad you took the time to visit me here. Thanks.
  • Jan
    @James: That's an armload of stuff to keep you busy indeed. Well, you have two kids and a wife to inspire you, or prod you. Hehehe. Thanks a lot for dropping by.
  • Jan
    @Light: Yup, tough one. I've seen the light though. Ding. Hehehe.
  • Jan
    @Lydia: Thank you for your words of encouragement. And the visit. :)
  • Jan
    @Bhing: Thank you. My paranormal power says it's in the cards - your goals will be yours for the taking. :)
  • Jan
    @Tonex: Ah, the nicorette gum? I'd go buy that, thanks for the suggestion. And the visit too. Yahooo!
  • Jan
    @Borzack: Thanks, man.
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