Give Me an Insightful Comment and I'll Promote You to Front Page

by Jan Geronimo on March 10, 2009

The previous post was a curious case of a comment that got promoted to the front page of this blog.

Several readers thought I wrote the previous post. I would love to pass it off as mine, but it’s written by Adrian who ditched his dream of becoming a Filipino Fyodor Dostoevsky just so he can be an accomplished film critic. He may now sport a keen sensibility and air of high culture befitting a lover of high cinema, but I will not risk a scene here. We don’t want a half-mad Raskolnikov – who knows for sure he’s gone from Adrian’s psyche? – trashing the furniture around here, let me tell you.

It’s actually my fault. You’re so used to hearing me from my bully pulpit. I should have prepared you in my earlier posts.

So Why Feature a Guest Post?

No, it’s not a lazy blogger’s way to fill his blog with content. Guest posts inject new voice in the conversations going on in any blog community. A fresh point of view – you can do no wrong with that. It defeats the likelihood of your blog community resembling an echo chamber.

I’d like to believe you’re not reading this blog because of my personality. I recognize my skewed point of view somehow colors and determines how the posts here are shaped, but I trust you’re here because of the content. And the discussion that these posts provoke. A more levelheaded voice – your voice – therefore will be to everyone’s benefit.

Last month I suffered a mild case of writer’s block. Remember? I invited several of you dear readers to submit a post here. You begged off. I understand your reluctance. I’m thinking of pitching a post to more well known bloggers myself, but I keep putting it off. I need more time. Lots of research. The usual excuses.

So when Adrian left a comment that obviously he gave a lot of himself into, I decided a simple thank you was not enough. I wrote him to tidy up what he wrote (We’re all instant geniuses at 2:00 am after all). He did, adding a few relevant points. And so my first guest post came to be.

Thanks Adrian.

One more pitch for guest post
. If you have a post feel free to submit it. Some ground rules:

1. It must be original. If you’re bouncing off another blogger’s post you have to put in the necessary credit or attribution.

2. It’s best if you stick to topics that I get off on: writing, blogging, and technology

3. Not too spammy. I’d give two links to your site in the introduction. A relevant link in the body that points to your own post is all right. More than that and you’d have to ship me a Kindle2 e-reader.

4. There’s no compensation, but every time I see you you’ll get the red carpet treatment: Will wag my tail fiercely whenever I see you coming and slaver you up properly. Fair enough?

Of course you need not be regular reader or visitor here to contribute. You’re all welcome.

Thank you Jena Isle for inviting me to guest post in your blog. Jena is interested in your contributions – inspirational stories, poems, articles and even drawings. This will be later compiled in a book. No compensation for now, but you get 5,000 Entrecard credits and a copy of the book. Plus you get your picture splashed on her pages. Now, isn’t that marvelous?

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  • Roy
    it's always nice to read back... and reminisce... ei Jan? ;)

  • Jan
    @elmot: you're right. Adrian's guest post is one of the most viewed post here. My readers like him. Good for the both of us. hehehe.

    Sure, you know how to reach me, Elmot. :)
  • elmot
    guest posts are i think jst ok. you said it well jan, that guest posts give a blog a new voice for visitors to gives the effect that the blog has that engaging environment.

    i am guest posting to some of friend's blog too, and i am quite enjoying it also.

    guest posts kami dito one time ha..
  • Jan
    @Ruth: I found it easy to share my thoughts in your blog - it's one provocative piece of writing.

    And thanks for this visit, too. :)
  • Ruth
    Thank you for your thoughtful comment on my post about technology overload. You make a very good point that those of us who already value reading books probably don't need to worry too much. It's the next generation that faces an opportunity to challenge knowledge and habits embedded in the Internet.

    Good luck with your blog!
  • Jan
    @Dee: That's nice. I can see you're warming up to the idea of guest posting. Ahem....

    It's a toy like no other, Kindle is. When he finally buys one, kindly tell us the story. That will be interesting. :)
  • Dee
    Guest posts are I think the thing today. I see them a lot of times. I think it has more benefits than disadvantages.

    I can see how you like Kindle so much. You've mentioned them quite a number of times. My husband wants one too. :D
  • Jan
    @earthlingorgeous: Please do. It's right up your alley - you have this knack of telling good stories. :)

    That guest post by Adrian tops the list of most well read posts in this blog as of today. Yey! This community loves him. Congrats, Ad. :)
  • earthlingorgeous
    Nice! and this post by Adrian is really insightful. I will visit Jena's site and see what's up if there's anything in my blog I can contribute. Cheers!
  • Jan
    @Roy: I'm pleased you find me tolerable. That's one of my biggest fears in writing - killing an unsuspecting reader with boredom. :)

    I know I have a long way to go. I'm trying everyday to be clear with the least of expenditure of words. I have readied a closet for high highfalutin words - to keep them out of sight. So that's one less worrying thought for me. :)

    Yes, I've been to Jena's blog. Lots of published authors there, including you. But I'm mustering enough guts. Stage fright, you know. But I'm giving this a serious thought.
  • Roy
    by the way, if I may add, Jena's project is indeed a noble one.

    I'm proud to say that I am a part of it and looking forward to submit another contribution from my life's story.

    From your blog posts, I'm sure you do have a lot of inspiring stories to tell too. Looking forward to your story at Jena's blog ;)
  • Roy
    An insightful comment... hmmm... let me see...

    What keeps me coming to this blog anyway? Defintely it's not just the chips.

    To tell you frankly Jan, I am actually looking forward to your new posts. Looking for what could be your next topic and how I can muster enough courage to chip-in whatever sensible thoughts my simplistic mind get spit out.

    Honestly Jan, you speak of some English words that are too high fallutin' for my standards... and yet, I am not threatened.

    I don't know why, but your post provoke me. No, I am not challenged. I don't think that is the right word... 'invited' is the closest word I can think of.

    Because your posts talks about writing and expressing oneself. And that is where I'm very much comfortable at - writing...

    No right or wrong... just thoughts expressed in printed form
  • Jan
    @Adrian: Well, that's important too. You've your priorities straight. Wonderful. :)
    Jan... hehe! it's okay. I'm a little busy with my studies, i never had enough time to answer the comments of the previous post.

    Thank you so much for featuring me!

    wee! XD
  • Jan
    @Jena Isle: :) Yeah, I do hope more bloggers heed your call. It's a worthy project. Which makes it easy for me to endorse. Thanks for dropping by.
  • Jena Isle
    Hi Jan,

    Thanks for the linky love and for featuring my call for stories. I do hope bloggers would heed the call.

    Cheers and happy blog hopping.
  • Jan
    @jojigirl: You have a special place in my blog. :) Because you're a natural. And an oddball, yes - but an endearing one. :)
  • jojigirl
    Sisingit ako minsan sa equals, ha? Kasi I am either a 99 or 101, hahaha! Oddball, me it's.
  • Jan
    @yatot: You've a point there. A valid one.

    My excuse is that this is a relatively new blog. How old is it now - yeah, 7 days past its 3rd month. And I'm giving it time to evolve to what it's comfortable with. Is it solely about writing? But blogging interests me too. And goings on in technology. So we'll see where this goes.

    I just find it exciting to give readers a bigger hand in this blog. It's a community after all. It's not all about me. I'd like it to be a conversation among equals.
  • yatot
    guess postings are okay for a blog... but if you are categorizing your blog as a personal blog... where is the essence of having it categorized as such...?

    i have thought this idea a million times in my blog before because of some hiatuses that i had experienced in the past.. but then again, i said to myself.. hey... TYC is The Yatot Chronicles... and I, Yatot, should be the ONLY one writing on my blog... so i dont mind not even bother if i dont have any posts for a week or so... as long as I am posting in my personal blog that would make me feel happy...! :D
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